Is the counselling confidential?
Confidentiality is paramount within counselling, the Counselling Service adheres to
the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) Ethical Framework.
How long do Sessions last?
All sessions are 60minutes long and are usually held on the same day and time of each
How many sessions do I need?
Everyone is individual and some will need more sessions than others, we do not put a limit
on the number of sessions anyone has. Some may have 10 sessions others may have 70

Help in a Crisis.

Please if you are someone you know is at crisis point, please do not suffer alone if
you need to speak to someone immediately call 999.
If you are concerned about your immediate safety call 999 or GO straight to your
local A&E department.
Samaritans are open 24hrs a day 365 days per year their national freephone number
is 116 123.
Or call NHS 111 for non-emergency help and advice

COVID19 Safety Precautions

The Health and Safety of my clients and myself remains paramount and I can ensure
that all precautions are in place as best as they can be.
Covid19 pandemic and risk of infection requires that I consider the risk of infection
and in addition to this your emotional well-bring because of risks and restrictions it
may not be possible for me to offer face to face counselling sessions.
Please look the following questions before attending your appointment if you answer
yes to any of the following, please contact me so we can discuss deferring your
session or have your session via zoom.

1. Have you tested positive for covid19 in the last 14 days?
2. Are you waiting for a covid19 test or results?
3. Do you have any of the following symptoms (if so, please seek medical
- A new continuous cough, this means a cough that lasts longer than hour or 3
or more coughing episodes in 24 hours)?
- High temperature or fever?
-Loss of, or change in, sense of smell or taste?
4. Do you live with someone who has who has been tested for covid19 in the last
14 days?
5. In the past 14 days have you had close contact with anyone who has been
diagnosed with covid19 or has had symptoms of covid19
6. In the past 14 days have you visited, or have you had close contact with
anyone who was travelled to any other country?
7. During the last 14 days have you been notified by the NHS track and trace that
you have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for covid19,
and they do not live with you.

Reducing the Risk of Infection
- I will adhere to both the government guidelines and the guidelines set out by
my membership body. Should I encounter anyone who has been tested
positive or I develop any symptoms I will notify you as soon as possible to
rearrange your session or offer you an online session instead.
- All chairs, door handles, surfaces including the stairs and banisters, office
equipment are wiped down twice daily and the chairs are wiped after every
session with antibacterial cleaner.
- The is disinfected before and after every session and there is hand sanitiser
placed at the bottom of the stairs for you use on your arrival.
- Social Distancing is in place of two metres will be in place where possible.
- Water/drinks will no longer be provided please bring your own drink with you.

Clients please:
- Should you encounter anyone who has been tested positive or I develop any
symptoms I will notify you as soon as possible to rearrange your session or
offer you an online session instead.
- Make use of the hand sanitiser when you enter and leave the building.
-Social distancing please maintain 2 metres distance between you and
therapist as re government guidelines.
- Please bring your own drink with you and ensure you take empty bottles/cups
with you when you leave.
- Please keep yourself updated with the regular changes by checking local,
government, public health, and NHS websites. As they will have all the latest
changes and information..

Want to get in touch?

Feel free to leave a message with your contact details if you would like to undergo therapy or have any enquiries.

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